Friday, October 23, 2009

A Brief Account of the evening of October 21, 2009

I receive a postcard and a large package two days ago as I am stumbling in the door late at night after another day of Challenge meetings... I see that it is from the sister and the rest of the family, and my heart soars with love and gratitude. I imagine a nice account of Italy on the postcard and, within the package, perhaps some forgotten clothing, a nice letter, maybe some candy, and that is all.
I begin reading the postcard only to find a description of how I have been replaced as a sister for Emilio and his goats, depicted on the front of the postcard. The sister admits that she plans on firing Emilio if I call because he is only so good of a sister, especially because he is not a girl.
Then, I open the box with some scissors Paulina was using to cut the chapel flowers... I pull out a card and a great CD... and, then, between all the packing peanuts I see a small picture of a cartoon mole with extremely large eyes. As I brush the peanuts aside, I find a whole host of moles to be smiling up at me from a colorful box reading "whac-a-mole" (either pronounced "whack-a-mole" or "wok-a-moley"), ages 4+.
The directions? Hit the mole that lights up with the provided hammer squarely on the head for maximum points.
Conclusion from both postcard and mole-whacking-surprise? I have the best family in the world.

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